Thursday, March 31, 2011


Are you Lonely? Depressed? Do you find that when you get up from a comfy spot, when you come back to it, its still empty? Do you sometimes think "It would be so awesome to have a wet nose stuck in my face while I'm sleeping"?

If you suffer any of these symptoms, Try:


Siamese kitties have been known to both raise and lower blood pressure! They smash their faces into your face to show you they love you! And most importantly, when you get up to get a glass of water, they'll save your spot for you and keep it warm (you do have to physically remove them when you get back). Siamese kitties have been called "the fuzziest thing ever" and "pretty nice to have around except for the farts!"

Siamese kitties are not for everyone. Side effects of Siamese kitties include interrupted sleep, the occasional paw to the face, and loads and loads of expensive veterinary bills. Some Siamese kitties have very stupid faces that can be hard not to laugh at. All Siamese kitties come with disgusting farts and lots of snoring, free of charge!